The state of Florida is well known for many things. Bright sunshine, devastating hurricanes, terrifying alligators and… sinkholes! Yes, Florida has had more sinkholes than any other state in the USA. For locals, the issue that the earth could, at any given moment,...
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Recognizing The Warning Signs Of Sinkholes: A Complete Guide
A sinkhole is a common occurrence in the state of Florida, with warning signs of sinkholes being difficult to spot in many cases. Sometimes a sinkhole can take hours to cause problems, and sometimes it will be months or even years. It is estimated that between the...
Public Adjuster
What is a public adjuster?
A public adjuster is a professional, licensed by the state of Florida department of insurance in which he or she works, for the purpose of protecting the public by serving as an advocate for the policyholder against his/her own insurance company during the claims process.
While your insurance company may have been friendly and easy to work with when you were selecting your coverage, they overnight become your adversary after you have filed a claim. As such the insurance company employs adjusters to ensure that their interests are protected.
Isn’t it prudent that you do the same? Let Us Claim Consultants Insurance Inc. Has been advocating for its business and homeowner clients for over 15 years to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive a fair claim settlement.