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Let Us Claim



Don’t Let Flood Damage To Your Home Stress You Out.
Let Us Claim is on Your Side.

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Free, no-obligation inspection.

You never know when a major water disaster may strike.

Floods and storms are typically sudden and out of the blue; you never know how bad the damage will be because each storm or flood is different.

Luckily, Let Us Claim is here to take care of you. In the insurance industry, one of the most common types of personal loss is due to water damage, which means we’ve got lots of experience helping you out. We’re here to help you get the most out of your claim and take the stress of the process off your shoulders.

Flood & Water Damage Doesn’t Have To Be Confusing

We know how suddenly flood and water damage can take place. Broken pipes, leaks from appliances, or floods can all lead to major loss and damage in your home. What’s more, afterward you’re left trying to take care of an insurance claim that is lengthy and wordy.

Here at Let Us Claim, we take the confusion out of the whole process. We’re experienced in advocating for you and your family to get you a fair compensation. We advise you as to how to adjust such losses and make sure your settlement is what it should be. Let Us Claim is here to help you through the process and make it simple to handle.


Emergency Mitigation

The first part of taking care of flood and water damage is to start removing and drying out everything in the home. Our public adjusters can help you through this, and make sure that during the critical first 24 hour period you take the right action. We help by offering claim tips that will lead to a better settlement for you.

Determining The Extent Of The Flood Damage

Once everything is removed from the home, the next part of the process is to determine the extent of the damage caused by the flood. We follow protocol that lets us determine exactly where the water was and how far it spread.


Desinfecting The Area

Next, you’ll need to disinfect the flooded area to remove bacteria, mold, mildew, or fungi. Otherwise, your insurance could look at mold provisions and limitations on your policy. With Let Us Claim on your side, we make sure to help you take all the necessary steps needed to avoid these types of rebuttals.

There are plenty of ways that insurance companies will try to avoid paying your claim. When you work with Let Us Claim, you don’t have to worry about that. Our experienced public adjusters work with you to mitigate issues that flood damage brings up to protect your claim. We know all the tricks of the trade, and know what to say if your insurance company tries to push responsibility onto you despite what your policy says. We make sure that we read your policy carefully to get you the most out of your insurance claim and to get the compensation you should receive.